Picture Story Books for kids
Welcome to the fascinating world of children’s picture storybooks. Feed your children’s love for art. Stories illustrated with colorful pictures are the best way to induce their artistic skills.
Kids do not only hear the story but also enjoy seeing the picture. Parents can spend quality time talking with their kids by telling stories through the book images. A picture book is necessary to polish the character. Image books for four to eight-year-old children Help to create attraction for study. They need pictures on each page to help in telling the story.
Best book for kids in 2024
The books are full of practical tools for young readers to raise environmental awareness. The habit of cleaning helps kids keep the environment clean. The best children’s picture storybooks teach how to make our earth green.
Books tell children how good and bad things impact their lives. You take ownership of what happens as a result of your choices and actions.
Books for toddlers describe how friendship is important. Friendships encourage children to achieve their goals and provide emotional support during tough times.
Buy a beautiful gift book now for your loved one kid.
Molly Hoo Hoo and her Kangaroo best friend Slappy Kicks are always on fun and amazing adventures. This time they want to go back to farmer Vern’s farm for a tractor ride, but after what they did when they got their sticks in the first book, will he take them on a tractor ride and what will Molly and Slappy do to fix what they did. Join them on their newest adventure.
This is the second in the Molly and Slappy series of kids books each carrying a subtle, informative moral. Kids of all ages especially those 4 to 8 will enjoy the adventure.

Molly Hoo Hoo and her kangaroo best friend Slappy Kicks are always on an adventure. On this adventure, they want sticks for their classroom tricks. They go to farmer Vern’s farm to break a tree branch.
Will they break a beautiful tree’s branch, or will they find another solution and learn something about trees along the way? This is the first of their adventures with many more to come, each carrying a subtle, and storybook-informative moral. Kids of all ages especially those 4 to 8 will enjoy the adventure!